Monday 28 January 2008

Good evening. Another chilly day wasn't it?
As usual I have been neglecting the blog.
I added a counter at the bottom ,so you can see how many people come to the site.
I didn't look yet!.
I just had a class at home. I usually give scotty a treat to keep him quiet.
It seems he overdid it and threw up on the carpet during the class.
I have been trying to upload video clips ont this blog ....but failed
I am useless with computers.

By the way. The next class will be at the International Lounge on Wednesday.
Maybe only 2 or 3 will attend.
Last Wednesday there six of you! Great!
I am getting used
I also think we should have a small break (especially in the winter if you knowwhat I mean)
So around 11:15 we will have a 5 minute break to let you powder your noses!
See you soon and keep warm and healthy

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Border Collie Puppies!!

Good evening ladies. It was bitterly cold today, wasn't it?

This is just to remind you or to let you know that the next lesson is at the International Lounge again on Wednesday this week.

Hope to see you then.


Monday 14 January 2008

This shows what the average Briton uses or has in his/her lifetime.
Double click the picture to enlarge it.

Hello one and all (That means "everyone")

As usual I have been neglecting this webpage or blog or whatever.

It was a bit chilly this weekend.

Today it was "Coming of age day " and also Dondonyaki day.

I wonder if any people were in a postion where they couldn't decide which to attend.

Maybe not.

Just a reminder that the class on Wednesday 16th is at the International Lounge.

Also if you have any requests for a lesson , please send me an email or a comment on this blog.

Keep warm and don't catch viral gastroenteritis!!


Tuesday 8 January 2008

WEDNESDAY 9th 10:30

There will be a class tomorrow at DOUTOR in Odawara from 10:30. At the moment only 2 will attend. But everyone is welcome ...of course.
It is the season for Snowdrops. This is a Snowdrop wood in Britain.

Friday 4 January 2008


As you probably predicted here it is!
Did you make any new year resolutions?
I didn't. But will now......
errr ,let me see.
I am going to try not to lose my job again.
I will try and eat healthier food and lose my "love handles"
And I am going to try to stop playing Solitaire on Windows.

How about you young ladies???

The Old Look Scotty

This is when Scotty took part in the elections last year. At least he did better than Mr Kobayashi, who was disqualified!

A mop? No ! Just sleeping and being guarded by my old friend Jack Sparrow!! Jack!! Come home!!

Actually, just cooling down on a hot summers day. He looks sad, but really is saying "AHHHHHHHH!!!! Just the thing!!


I hope everyone enjoyed the new year break and didn't over-do it!
The weather was good. Did you do the usual things? Flying kites.badminton in the garden, karuta(hyakuninshu)??? Maybe not.
More likely you watched the NHK song contest and the Ekiden.Right?
Not my cup of tea to tell the truth,but the seem to be new year favourites.
Did anyone go back to their home town to visit relatives?
I did very little. I intended to go to Tokyo to visit relatives, but was a bit under the weather, so gave it a miss.
I got a bit bored being in the house so gave Scotty a hair-cut. I kind of regret it now as no one seems to like it, apart from me.Ah,well. You can't please everyone.
And I did some baking! I made some pies and scones. Very British, aren't I? Especially the spare tyre I now have with all the calories! (it means "fat stomach")
I am not sure when the first lesson will be on Wednesday.There will be a lesson on the 16th of course but I heard from Miss Swan that some people can not attend on the 9th. So if you would like to have a lesson on the 9th please reply to this post.
Otherwise the first class will be on the 16th in a place I will inform you of later.
