Wednesday 27 February 2008

Today,there were 4 ladies present at the class. The lesson was not difficult to understand but a bit difficult to do perfectly. We had coffee. Yoshimi brought waffle cookies and Kie brought Collon (strange name Colon in English"Chokucho")
It seems to be the same shape too.
But the taste was good. Thanks!
Kumiko had to leave urgently. I hope her mother is OK. Tomoko also had to leave a bit earlier.
Anyway,the next class is at Akiko's on Friday and then at the "usual place" next Wednesday.
I have a ringing in my ears. Many people say, "It is old age creeping in." No way!!
And in today's class. Kie recommended drinking a spoonful of olive oil and veg. juice to combat cedar pollen allergy and to keep healthy. It might work!
If Midori is there, Hi! I hope your new job is going all right. Keep in touch!
And Eri seemed to be a bit under the weather lately. I hope all is well over there in Kannami!
Take care one and all and see you soon. Nick

Monday 25 February 2008

Jack Sparrow's father.

Johnny Depp based the character of Jack Sparrow on the gentleman on the right.
Who is he and what does he do? The T-shirt being worn by the producer/director might help with the answer.

Friday 22 February 2008

Wednesday 20 February 2008

A mini quiz

In the pictures below:
What are the cliffs made of?
What is growing in the field?
A shop in London famous for it's cloth. What is it's name?
What kind of church is it?
What kind of roof is it?


Monday 18 February 2008

He ,who shall not be named!

This station is in the Lake District. What famous movie used it for a location shot?


Saturday 16 February 2008

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Quiz: Which is the female? (oops!)

Die Hard

Today at the I Lounge there was only E Swan. The table was rather large and an elderly man came in and sat at the other end of the table where he started to eat his packed lunch. He came over and gave us an orange each. E.S. gave him a cake and a cookie in return. Also the lady in charge got a cookie and cake too!
We must be a popular group among all the people who use that place.
Anyway,the room has been booked for the following 2 weeks.
This Friday there will be no lesson.
It will be St. Valentines Day in about an hour so may I wish you all a Happy St Valentines Day . I am getting used to not getting any these days. (sigh)

This is where my dog works.

Saturday 9 February 2008

A Famous(but tiny) Shop in Grasmere

But what do they sell???? Do you want a hint? You always get the main ingredient with sushi!

Thursday 7 February 2008

Tea Caddy?

Yes. This is called a "tea Caddy". It contains tea. In Japan, ANA planes sometimes have Pokemon on the fuselage(plane body) In England,Wallace and Gromit are on the PG Tips tea caddy!!
No connection? Maybe not.


What are these called? They are very traditional in Britain.

Monday 4 February 2008

I'm back

The bar at The Queens Head (double click to enlarge the picture)
This is outside the Queens Head

Sorry for the lack of posts on this site lately.

I have not forgotten about you all. I sometimes neglect things out of laziness but this time I have been busy making a kids English programme. Making textbooks,flashcards and games. My eyes have been tired with looking at the PC monitor so I didn't feel like using the computer so much.

I have almost finished the book for the first year.
Satisfied? No. I donot have any students to use it yet! (smile)
This Wednesday's class will be at the International Lounge at 10:30.
Tom Cruise cannot attend this week so I will be there instead.

I found this picture the other day.
It is of the bar at The Queens Head pub in Hawkshead at Christmas.
Hawkshead is a lovely village of old houses in the Lake District.
I dropped in there for a beer last year.

It was magical!

People often ask me what I miss about my home country.
I'd have to say "country pubs"

If you were an expatriate (a person living in another country),
what do you think you would miss? (not family or friends as that goes without saying)

See you all soon

I will also add some pictures of Hawkshead.But you already saw them,didn't you?