Tuesday 20 May 2008

Hello and good evening

Did you all survive the storm?

Just to let you know that there will be a class at the International Lounge as usual.

I will include 2 pictures of buses that are being used at the moment in my home town.

Too colourful,don't you think?

Saturday 10 May 2008

The History of Nick (A little bit)

Crosthwaite School. My elementary school. Small, isn't it?

Lairthwaite School. My high school. 300 students from age 11 to 17.

The house where I was born and where I lived until I was 8 years old.

Friday 9 May 2008

Golden Week

Is it really "golden"?
It got me thinking of some other expressions using the word "golden"
A "golden handshake"
I thought one day I would get a golden handshake from Nova.
Thanks for working here for 30 years. We'd like to present you with this
Nova Usagi clock to show our appreciation. Enjoy your retirement!
(We do not need you anymore.......A golden handshake)

Silence is golden................Is it? Only when there are noisy children in the room.
Not when your father- in -law is singing karaoke.

The golden rule..... I could never understand this as a child as "the rule" was always different.
Don't be late for school! It is the golden rule (The important rule)

A Golden Oldie.... A song that was very popular "when you were young"

But actually doesn't sound as good as it used to, when you were young.
Do you know any "golden oldies?"
A Golden Retreiver. Sometimes referred to in a Japan (only) as a "Golden"
Next Wednesday it is fun as usual at the International Lounge!