Friday 30 November 2007

Just Suppose

Imagine you are sitting on this bench. Someone comes up to you and asks, "Is it all right if I sit here?"
Who would you like that person to be?

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Where is the dog?

Here is a dog story. Two men are talking*
First man: My dog Shep likes chasing the postman on his bicycle.
Second man: Does he ever catch him?
First man: No. Shep's legs are too short to reach the pedals.

Wednesday Class

Today 3 lovely ladies and a very plain English man went to the international lounge.
It was stifling for the first few minutes. We moved to a corner which looked rather like a classroom and was bit cooler. We had the lesson there. One of us knew the lady that worked there. She asked us if we'd like to reserve the place for the next class, We agreed.
So the next Wednesday , the class will be in the international lounge again. It was possible to have a lesson using the text etc.and was much better than I thought.
Friday's class is at Akiko's in Kayama from 6:30.
Influenza is quite common at the moment,so please take care.
I am off to Shinjuku tomorrow.
I used to live there a very long time ago.
I do NOT recommend it.
Living in Odawara is much much better.
I will send the lesson to Eri and Kumiko soon.

Tuesday 27 November 2007


Do you have a brand you like?
Nescafe? Dior? Chanel? Kikkoman? Louis Vuitton? Calbee?
Yes. They are all brands.

Monday 26 November 2007


There is a pun here(dajare, in Japanese) Two words.

*****/ ********

What do you think it is?

Hint: You will have some in your fridge now!

Saturday 24 November 2007

Tea Time!

Here are some places to have a cup of tea near my home town in The Lake District.

What kind of place do you like to go for a coffee?

Friday 23 November 2007

Silly Things

Click the picture 2 times to enlarge it!!!

Vocabulary test

And now for something different. A test.
Try it if you like. It's harmless fun.
Without a dictionary, match the opposite adjectives.
drunk windy
lethargic opaque
still messy
tidy sober
transparent active
forward inferior
superior timid
obese skinny
stiff --------------------- floppy (example)

Where would you find a congregation? A )church B) hotel. C) shop D) concert
Where would you find a spectator? A) movie theatre, B) baseball game, C) concert, D) hospital
Where would you find a patient? A) hotel, B) hospital, C) on the street, D) a restaurant.
Where would you find a passer-by? A) hotel B) station. C) theatre D) on the street.
Where would you find a crowd? A) hotel B) school, C) sports stadium. D) bus.
Who would you find looking at an accident? A) on-looker. B) guest. C) audience. D) group.
Who would you find on a flight out of Narita , staff or a crew?
Who would you find in a hotel, a resident or a customer?
Who would you find in a concert,an audience or clients?
Who would be angry, passengers or a mob?

Choose the odd one out. (one word does not fit in with the others, which one??)
sheep, flock, wool, shepherd, diary farm.
fish, shoal, fin, hair,gill
terrier, retriever, hound, collar, setter.

Good luck !
Go for it!

Thursday 22 November 2007

Hello. You maybe got an email from me via blogspot or blogger inviting you to become a member of this blog. This means you can send in posts yourself (I hope)
The password is SCOTTYDOG. First you have to create a google account. It is easy. Just follow the steps. Maybe the password that you use is the Google account password they give you. I am not sure which. If you can get in. Go to "create" and type it then PUBLISH POST. You can add pictures ffrom your files by clicking the picture ,you can add video by clicking the film icon above. If it is troublesome ,don't bother. Just post in "Comments". It's enough.
It was cold today.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Do you have a sweet tooth?

Hello. I hope I could make myself clear today. I know spoke too much.

You didn't feel sleepy, did you?

Today I had a conversation about what kind of snack we liked.

I'm fond of Poteco. I don't know why. I think it is because I can put them on my fingers while I am eating them, like rings.

I'm also keen on doughnuts recently,although I hardly ever eat them. I went into a Mr.Donuts recently and 3 very large obese women came in to order doughnuts.

I was surprised.But intrigued. I wanted to know how many they would order and eat themselves and was watching them out of the corner of my eye. I felt very thin as I only had one. They had 3 or 4 each!

If I was England I would eat scones!!! Like these!!!!!

Actually the Ferrari horse is black!!!!! Never mind.

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Sunday's Concert

Yesterday, Elizabeth Swan and I went to Manazuru to see Akiko in concert.
Even though she had a fever, it didn't keep her away and she was keeping up with the rest of them. The choir had so much energy and a lot of talent. I am sure they
practiced extrememly hard for it. It seems the choir will be very busy around Christmas and will be performing in central Odawara a few times. Please catch their concert if you can.
The venue was great! It is named Hinoki Charity Hall. A great place to have your first concert.But you need to take slippers with you!
The view was good from the wooden hall.BUT...the access is rather strange.
Go there and find out for yourself.
I do hope Akiko's fever has abated and that she is (you are ) back to herself(yourself.

Saturday 17 November 2007

Wintry Sunday

Today I went to see Ben and his family(and Dachshund,Jamie, at Norimochi Park.
I think I must have walked about 12 kilometres today. I think this time off work is
helping me loose weight. But it is hard on my legs (light on my pocket!!)
Ben's daughter,Luka ran across the grass and hugged Shep. He got quite a shock.
Have you ever run up and hugged anyone?
Maybe it only happens in the movies and you would not tell me if you had.

Friday 16 November 2007

How to leave a comment

Click "comments" at the bottom of the post. Don't click the envelope icon.
A page will open where you can send a comment or anything you like.
Everyone will be able to read it of course. But only 8 people have the address.
So don't worry!!

WEDNESDAY 21st 10:30

The first class will be on Wednesday 21st at this coffee shop on the 2nd floor.
It is opposite Uokuni fish shop near the Mizuho Bank. It is possible to use a room at the Shimin Kaikan also. I went to the International lounge, but the lady there sensed that I wanted to teach English there. It seems it is forbidden. I wouldlike to talk about what kind of place you would prefer and what kind of lesson. Some of the old Nova schools will open next week maybe.
There are only 2 in Kanagawa. Kawasaki and SagamiOno. Ben,Jeff and Chris are hoping to work at this new school. Lisa has a job on the Peace Boat. Monica and Ralph...I don't know. Steve and Sam are starting a kids school in Naruta.
The other class will be at Akiko's house in Kayama on Friday from 6:30.Kie and Midori will be going, I understand.
I am not sure who will be going on Wednesday morning. So far, Kumiko , Tomoko, Yoshimi and Eri, have said they are "interested".But no one said if they will definitely go or not.

For the first class I would like all of you to prepare something. It is your choice what you do. A quiz, a game, a speech, a newspaper cutting, what you did at the weekend, talk about a movie you saw , etc. Something that you are interested in. (Something that will take about 10 minutes)I will also prepare something for you.
Anytime you like ,please send mail in English to this site. I will reply!!!
People have often asked me. "What is the best way to improve my sentence structure and grammar?" I replied "Send email every day in English!"You will also pick up a lot of new vocabulary. Here is your chance. Although you do not have to send mail every day and you can also reply to each other(In English , of course!!)
See you

Friday 9 November 2007


Hello and welcome to this blog (ugly word isn't it?) I will try and explain here what the lesson system is like.
At the beginning there will be two classes. They will meet four times a month. At the moment there are only people from Odawara Nova (R.I.P.) All of them are level 3 and 4. One class will be on Wedneday morning in Odawara. The first class is on Nov.21st.The place is still to be decided,but I thought the first class will be in the coffee shop opposite Uo-Kuni Fishmongers. It is on the 2nd floor above the cake shop.(sorry,I don't know the name but it is roomy and cheap)The other class will be in Kayama at one of the students' houses. (maybe on Nov 22nd or 23rd) Still not sure. I will post the definite time and place ASAP. The 2nd class will be held in a variety of places and a variety of times to suit the students (not the For example Kayama, Odawara, restaurant ,tea room, house etc.The students in both classes can join the other class if they want.
There are 8 classes in a month. If you want you can attend 6 of them . For example. If you are busy on your usual day, say Wednesday. you can attend the other class on Thursday. (No need to worry about your level!! This is not Nova and I know your levels better than anyone) If in the case of you can not attend another class, you can arrange it between yourselves and me and I will have the class on another day IF I am free.
I want to create a flexible class for you. I want you to get at least 4 classes a month.
The cost for 4 classes and 6 classes is the same.
I know you have all lost much money at Nova and I do not want you to have the same trouble twice.

The text...I would like to do the kind of things you would like to do. I will prepare a lesson for you if you prefer it,on subjects that are useful,difficult to understand or fun. I will make it or I will find something interesting from the internet or from other textbooks. If you prefer a textbook, that is also an option.
This site is for you to send mail in English to me or the other students. I will give you homework at times. Your answers you can send to my other email address of course as you might be embarressed!! Sending email in English is a good way to improve your sentence structure and grammar. You can also pick up new vocabulary.
If I prepare some lessons for you I can send you them by email or give them to you the week before.
You can also use this site to tell each other which lesson you can/can't go to etc.
It is for everyone to use. I will check it every day and reply or put up posts.
When I find out how, I will make it so you can make posts too.
At the moment you can only reply to my posts. But of course you can write anything you like.
You can use your real name or a handle (as long as I know who is who)
Kie Furusho, my neighbour,has been helping me with the organization of this . You can get in touch with her at : (KIE_97_AMALIE.FURUSHO)
I am sure she can explain anything, if you have any questions.
You also have my mail address on the name card
Send me mail directly if you like