Tuesday 30 September 2008

How are you all bearing up in this cool weather?
It seems the typhoon will miss us...narrowly. I hope.
I have no big news to tell you.
That is maybe a good thing.
There is a very depressing programme on TV at the moment about
illnesses. I am not watching it , but it is hard to avoid the melodramatic voices and
dramatic music. People seem to like watching programmes about other people's
Ah, well. Will be at the International Lounge tomorrow morning.
Maybe see you there.

Friday 26 September 2008

The Last Day of Summer?

It seems it will be another hot day tomorrow. After that we can expect some cool days.
On Sunday, Akiko could be seen performing on the streets of Odawara.
Odachika to be more precise. Her choir was limited to 30 minutes on stage.
They were very lively and seemed to be "crowd pleasers" with everyone.
This time Akiko was near the front and in the middle.
I wondered if she had been promoted.(Last time I saw her perform she was at the back )
Anyway, very enjoyable.
Sorry I didn't take any photos.

I walked past the old Nova.....kicking the door as I passed.
I forgot that there was a new tennant ( a cheap cabaret)
I regretted it.

I just remembered ..I forgot to light a mosquito coil for Shep.....Maybe it is too windy this evening..
Take good care of yourselves and see you soon.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

I was wondering when Nick would make a post.

Today's lesson was on shopping. Something I am poor at.

If I had more money and was obscenely rich I am sure I would get better.

Try and use "I was wondering. Do you......"

or "I was wondering if you have any........." when shopping.

You can also use it like this.*

"I wonder if it is raining." if you don't know.


" I wondered when you were coming" when you find out what you didn't know.

As Akiko pointed out.

You can also use " I am wondering if it is going to rain."

This means you are thinking about it now.

" I was wondering..."

This means you were thinking about it before.

After the class today I was wondering if Akiko had to pay comission on her 24yen bill.

I was wondering if Yoshimi got a cheap or expensive Suica pass case.

I was wondering if Tomoko ate the sweets from Shiga after she got back.

I was wondering if Kie could finally get the multiple tickets finally.

Now, I am wondering if to add a picture to this post.

Maybe not this time.

On second thoughts...why not

Thursday 11 September 2008

Big Panic in Tomizu

Tomizu on the national news?

It's hard to believe.

Ninomiya Sontoku lived on the other side of the railway track.

Ceolcanth (Alias Seaurchin ) Kie and I live nearby in Kayama.

But hardly a famous landmark


Someone changed to expiry dates on some fish at Sotetsu Rosen!

This sort of thing happens quite a lot these days.

I am sure it happens at many places that have not been found out about.

It is hard to trust people these days,isn't it?

Sunday 7 September 2008

Another Downpour!

I hope none of you got caught in one of these downpours we have been getting recently.
The electric storm this evening caused a power cut on the Odakyu Line. The same thing
happened yesterday.
Today was the local sports festival for this area. Less and less people seem to go there
as years go by. Few seem to want to take part in the same events. They are obliged to
as they are kumicho or they are pressured into it by the organizers.
Have you ever taken part? Did you want to?
I think since I have lived here in Odawara, someone from my family has taken part.
I think we just do it for the free Odawara Shi 45L garbage bags and the free lunch.