Friday 23 November 2007

Vocabulary test

And now for something different. A test.
Try it if you like. It's harmless fun.
Without a dictionary, match the opposite adjectives.
drunk windy
lethargic opaque
still messy
tidy sober
transparent active
forward inferior
superior timid
obese skinny
stiff --------------------- floppy (example)

Where would you find a congregation? A )church B) hotel. C) shop D) concert
Where would you find a spectator? A) movie theatre, B) baseball game, C) concert, D) hospital
Where would you find a patient? A) hotel, B) hospital, C) on the street, D) a restaurant.
Where would you find a passer-by? A) hotel B) station. C) theatre D) on the street.
Where would you find a crowd? A) hotel B) school, C) sports stadium. D) bus.
Who would you find looking at an accident? A) on-looker. B) guest. C) audience. D) group.
Who would you find on a flight out of Narita , staff or a crew?
Who would you find in a hotel, a resident or a customer?
Who would you find in a concert,an audience or clients?
Who would be angry, passengers or a mob?

Choose the odd one out. (one word does not fit in with the others, which one??)
sheep, flock, wool, shepherd, diary farm.
fish, shoal, fin, hair,gill
terrier, retriever, hound, collar, setter.

Good luck !
Go for it!


Elizabethswan said...

I tried part 1

drunk/sober windy/still
tidy/messy superior/ inferior
obese/skinny transparent/opaque
active/timid forward/lethargic

well done?

Anonymous said...

Good try ,though!!

Elizabethswan said...


timid/ forward

how about them?

Anonymous said...

perfect! well done Elizabethswan.
Are you a forward person or timid I wonder.

Elizabethswan said...

tried part 2& 3

church, baseball game hospital
station sports stadium
on-looker crew resident
audience mob

dairy farm, hair, collar

......I % sure....

come-by said...

80% only?
Did well.
Passer-by... I guess you would see them in a big station so I supposre you are right.
But the answer I thought of was "on the street"
But my mistake (small mistake)
So Elizabethswan you get a pat on the head from the teacher for getting them all right.