Friday 23 October 2009

Request and Autumn

Today there was a request for a lesson topic.
Sometimes when you buy imported goods there is an explanation
of what it does or the ingredients. Maybe it is hard to understand if there is no
translation. So if you have some product in your house from abroad that
is difficult to understand, please bring the packet or make a note of what is written.
I will , of course prepare something.
What are you up to this weekend?
Me? It seems my son and his family will drop in.
He will play baseball locally with his old school friends.
So I will have be a "grandfather"
I'm not good at it.
I often watch grand dads out with their grandchildren and think,
"I am not like them!" How do they do it?
Ah well.......Not worth worrying about it.
have a jolly weekend
Oh, by the way Akiko will have a concert at Kanto Gakuin Odawara campus
on Sunday afternoon. Please drop by and listen to her and her talented choir
if you have the time.

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