Friday 2 October 2009

Two Days in a Row

It seems an American is being held for "abducting" his own children.
Actually he has Japanese nationality so is really Japanese.
I think it will be news from tomorrow.
I think it will strain Japanese-American relationships unless it is dealt with
swiftly. The Japanese laws regarding this are different than other counties.
I wonder if we will see the new government start to make changes in the
immigration laws.....

Two entries in two days.....
I wonder if I will be a 3-day-wonder!!


tommy said...

Long long time no see at blog.

Today I called to ### clinic to
ask about a vaccination.
But ### clinic said more than 1000
people are waiting in line to need vaccinated.

Everyboday take care!

come-by said...

1000!!! ??? Wow!
It must make feel like they in a Disneyland mood having to wait in line for so long.
Parents want to get their children vaccinated quickly. I can understand their feeling. But, the rest of us?..... maybe we will never get the opportunity to get an immunization shot.
Enjoy your weekend!