Monday 24 November 2008

Do you know how to cook?

Hello , everyone!

Today, I picked these tometoes.

I'd had been waiting to pick them until they would turn to red.

But time's up. What should I do these green tometoes?

Thursday 6 November 2008

Your Autumn

I cooked sweet potetos. These are my favorite. What 's yours?

Wednesday 1 October 2008


Today at the Int. Lounge there were three very lovely ladies.
The lesson was a bit heavy. Maybe too much vocabulary and
double negatives!
It is not uncommon to......
It is not impossible to ....

The air pressure seems to be a bit low today. That typhoon is passing.
It makes me feel a bit lethargic and uncomfortable.
Thank you Akiko!
I tried the Baking Soda and vinegar mixture in the kettle
The plastic smell almost disappeared.
It was useful information
Take care everyone.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

How are you all bearing up in this cool weather?
It seems the typhoon will miss us...narrowly. I hope.
I have no big news to tell you.
That is maybe a good thing.
There is a very depressing programme on TV at the moment about
illnesses. I am not watching it , but it is hard to avoid the melodramatic voices and
dramatic music. People seem to like watching programmes about other people's
Ah, well. Will be at the International Lounge tomorrow morning.
Maybe see you there.

Friday 26 September 2008

The Last Day of Summer?

It seems it will be another hot day tomorrow. After that we can expect some cool days.
On Sunday, Akiko could be seen performing on the streets of Odawara.
Odachika to be more precise. Her choir was limited to 30 minutes on stage.
They were very lively and seemed to be "crowd pleasers" with everyone.
This time Akiko was near the front and in the middle.
I wondered if she had been promoted.(Last time I saw her perform she was at the back )
Anyway, very enjoyable.
Sorry I didn't take any photos.

I walked past the old Nova.....kicking the door as I passed.
I forgot that there was a new tennant ( a cheap cabaret)
I regretted it.

I just remembered ..I forgot to light a mosquito coil for Shep.....Maybe it is too windy this evening..
Take good care of yourselves and see you soon.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

I was wondering when Nick would make a post.

Today's lesson was on shopping. Something I am poor at.

If I had more money and was obscenely rich I am sure I would get better.

Try and use "I was wondering. Do you......"

or "I was wondering if you have any........." when shopping.

You can also use it like this.*

"I wonder if it is raining." if you don't know.


" I wondered when you were coming" when you find out what you didn't know.

As Akiko pointed out.

You can also use " I am wondering if it is going to rain."

This means you are thinking about it now.

" I was wondering..."

This means you were thinking about it before.

After the class today I was wondering if Akiko had to pay comission on her 24yen bill.

I was wondering if Yoshimi got a cheap or expensive Suica pass case.

I was wondering if Tomoko ate the sweets from Shiga after she got back.

I was wondering if Kie could finally get the multiple tickets finally.

Now, I am wondering if to add a picture to this post.

Maybe not this time.

On second thoughts...why not

Thursday 11 September 2008

Big Panic in Tomizu

Tomizu on the national news?

It's hard to believe.

Ninomiya Sontoku lived on the other side of the railway track.

Ceolcanth (Alias Seaurchin ) Kie and I live nearby in Kayama.

But hardly a famous landmark


Someone changed to expiry dates on some fish at Sotetsu Rosen!

This sort of thing happens quite a lot these days.

I am sure it happens at many places that have not been found out about.

It is hard to trust people these days,isn't it?

Sunday 7 September 2008

Another Downpour!

I hope none of you got caught in one of these downpours we have been getting recently.
The electric storm this evening caused a power cut on the Odakyu Line. The same thing
happened yesterday.
Today was the local sports festival for this area. Less and less people seem to go there
as years go by. Few seem to want to take part in the same events. They are obliged to
as they are kumicho or they are pressured into it by the organizers.
Have you ever taken part? Did you want to?
I think since I have lived here in Odawara, someone from my family has taken part.
I think we just do it for the free Odawara Shi 45L garbage bags and the free lunch.

Sunday 24 August 2008

My hobby

I introduce my hobby!!!

These are my recent works. They are not finished yet. After I finish them, I'll show you another photo.

Cats take over ....Beware!

At last I could be......

a contributor of English Rose.

It was a l---o----n-----g way for me .

Thak you very much for your help.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Hi, Nick

I've also enjoyed Olympic Games on TV.
There is difference time of only one between Japan and China.

My doughter said "I'd like to go the Olympic field and cheer ".
Next game?
To go London?! Wow! good idea.

tommy wrote

Sunday 17 August 2008

Rather cool today,wasn't it?
Do you sit in front of the TV watching the Olympics these days?
I do. I know it is not a good way to spend my time but I hope that there will be
something interesting on. Sorry to say, there isn't much of interest to me although the
swimming was interesting. But table,tennis and wrestling aren't up my street.
What sports have grabbed your attention at the olympic games?

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Great News! Our very popular friend, Eri Eri is now married .


I hope you will be very happy.

Our class is always there if you want to return some day!!

Saturday 9 August 2008

Typical English Workers

Congratulations to the first post by Ms Swan
I hope other people figure out how to do it. I will send the invitations again.
The password is "Scottydog"

The BBQ was a resounding success.
A few people turned up late and few had to leave early but I think everyone met everyone else.
A big thanks to Kie and family for doing all the hard work. Also thanks to Akiko for supplying and cooking some of the food and for working hard. Also thanks to Akiko's husband for the watermelon!! And a big thanks to all of you who came.
It was a big chance to see some of the "old faces" from Nova.
Kumiko couldn't drink as she was driving but made up for it with a "cold one" when she got home...maybe.
Tomoko was covered with a "hot daughter" for much of the time.

Other News: Ms. Swan's daughter took part in the JHS English speech contest and
gave a good speech with no mistakes. She did not win it. Hmmmm! (These contests are sometimes fixed anyway. I once judged in one and they took no notice of my opinions. They had decided before -hand it seems)But she took part in it and did a great job. I saw the video!

Akiko's dog has a fantastic vocal range and can speak English.

And the Olympics started!!!! The opening ceremony......was......lonnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg!
Look out for the 14year old British boy in the diving. Maybe he has a chance of winning a rare medal for GB.

Keep cool and see you soon. Nick

Friday 1 August 2008

Olympic fever! Have you got it?
Sorry to say , I haven't.
But am sure once it begins I will be glued to the TV watching things that I have had no
interest in before. (And still don't have any interest in)
Like all things connected to sport, the same people are highlighted. Usually the ones
who have a chance of "Olympic gold" I always think it is unfair on the other Japanese
competitors. But that's the media! Maybe they feel smug when the person they
pick up on wins the gold medal. I was right!
I tried to find some information about the British olympic team. Is there one?
I couldn't find anything at all.
It seems that no one is interested in it in the UK. London are the hosts in 4 years time!
What are they playing at? It seems it is deemed to be a big failure.
Maybe they should do it Asia every year where it is highly popular.
Anyway..................enjoy it and then get a Laser Racer like me!

Thursday 31 July 2008

Hello one and all. Coelacanth ? Hmmmm
It seems Elizabeth swan was succesful in becoming a member and can now make posts.
I do not know how to tell the truth.
But if you go to
and put in your name and emall address or try mine 'scottydog'
anyway. It seems difficult
Kind of trial and error
These things are never simple
2 days to go to the big event
There have been two cancellations.
It seems something more important cropped up for them

see you there!!

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Blogger will send you an invitation to join this blog. This means you can make your own posts to
"English Rose".
You can upload picures also if you wish.
You will have to make a Google account first.
This does not cost you anything and it means you can make your own blog or get another email address with google if you like.
You can do it all in Japanese if you want to .
This blog is for everyone. Not just me. I made it so you could communicate in English with each other. Why not give it a try?!!!

The BBQ:
Most of the arrangements have been made.
Jeff, Ben, Ralph and family and probably Steve
Akiko, Kie and family, Tomoko and daughter, Kumiko, Kaori and husband,My wife will attend.
It will start about 5:00. Beef and Veg,Salad, Smoked pork, Yakisoba, Onigiri, Beer , Chu Hi Umeshu ,soft drinks are on the menu.
There will be fireworks and Hit The Watermelon .(and possibly bingo)and mosquito coils!!
A lot of fun is guaranteed!!!

Saturday 26 July 2008

Keswick Garden

Last Monday. "Seaurchin" and I went to Suntory Hall to Elizabeth Swan's concert.
We had seats on the 7th row. I was surprised how many people I had seen before.
There were at least 5 ex-Nova people.
Anyway. The choir were very good and looked and sounded impressive.
But E S didn't wave at us!!!
It was a bit above my head, to tell the truth, but it was a good experience for me.
They put a lot of hard work into it and must have practised hard for it.
Seaurchin had to speak English all day! I'm sure she became tired!!! Maybe she has got someside effects from it!

Friday 25 July 2008



Sunday 20 July 2008


The event of the year is being arranged for your total entertainment.
Why not cool down with a "cold one" or get re-aquainted with your old friends from
Nova Odawara?
The place is The Hanging Garden of Kie-lon. Famous in this area for exotic plants and rare wild life.And a good place for a "barby"
It is situated 200 metres past Sontoku Kinnenkan on the right. (In Kayama of course)
Next to a hairdressers.You can park a car there.
For those coming by train, it is situated about 7 minutes from Kayama Station. If you call, someone will come and get you (probably me)
Star attractions:
Fireworks (Don't expect too much)
Bingo ( errr Don't expect too much again)
Cold beer (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!)And other beverages
Baked potatoes
Starts around 5:00 on Sunday August 3rd (whatever the weather)
See you there
If Midori and Eri Eri happen to read this. You ARE invited!!!!

Sunday 22 June 2008

Oh, What a rainy day it was!
How did you all entertain youselves today, I wonder.
I stayed in.
I sarted to wacth the movie my daughter had on.
It was Love Actually. I am sure most of you are familiar with it.
After it finished I watched some parts again with the English sub-titles on.
Especially when the Portuguese girl is speaking to the writer (Colin Firth)and vice versa.
He makes alot of mistakes with grammar .
It was quite funny. I missed the humour of some scenes the first time I watched it.
Some of the characters I like, others I am to too keen on.
I think people like the personalities of the characters who are a bit similar to themselves.
Do you agree? I like Jack Sparrow!! (just kidding)
Shep is frustrated with the rain. He is scratching the roof of his house.
I took him out twice in the rain ,but it seems it wasn't enough.
Yes they are in season.
I found some young plants so will hand them to those of you who asked.
In other news...
Chris will quit New Nova and work with Steve and Sam.
I got a mail from Ralph yesterday. He seems to be enjoying his "quiet life"
He said he will Not work for New Nova. Too risky!
The next class is at the usual place at the same time on Wednesday.
No class on Friday this week.
Take care Nick

Sunday 15 June 2008


This is a fruit.....maybe. We boil it in sugar and eat it with custard. Believe it or not it is quite popular. I think it is related to celery.

June Message

How are you all?
It seemed to be a bit cooler today so I managed a longer dog-walk than usual.
The dogs didn't want to go into the river, so it must be a bit cooler.
The weatherman said tomorrow would be hot.
I dislike hot weather...You too?
At least there are more fruits to choose from these days.
I like American Cherries! But they are still rather expensive.
This year I have a bumper crop of raspberries in my garden.
I eat about 20 or more every day..
Jam?...No way! I like them fresh . Eaten in the garden standing among the bushes.
The neighbours must think I am odd
They are right! I am!

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Hello and good evening

Did you all survive the storm?

Just to let you know that there will be a class at the International Lounge as usual.

I will include 2 pictures of buses that are being used at the moment in my home town.

Too colourful,don't you think?

Saturday 10 May 2008

The History of Nick (A little bit)

Crosthwaite School. My elementary school. Small, isn't it?

Lairthwaite School. My high school. 300 students from age 11 to 17.

The house where I was born and where I lived until I was 8 years old.

Friday 9 May 2008

Golden Week

Is it really "golden"?
It got me thinking of some other expressions using the word "golden"
A "golden handshake"
I thought one day I would get a golden handshake from Nova.
Thanks for working here for 30 years. We'd like to present you with this
Nova Usagi clock to show our appreciation. Enjoy your retirement!
(We do not need you anymore.......A golden handshake)

Silence is golden................Is it? Only when there are noisy children in the room.
Not when your father- in -law is singing karaoke.

The golden rule..... I could never understand this as a child as "the rule" was always different.
Don't be late for school! It is the golden rule (The important rule)

A Golden Oldie.... A song that was very popular "when you were young"

But actually doesn't sound as good as it used to, when you were young.
Do you know any "golden oldies?"
A Golden Retreiver. Sometimes referred to in a Japan (only) as a "Golden"
Next Wednesday it is fun as usual at the International Lounge!

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Good evening.
I am not sure if you are interested or not but here is the scene I mentioned today.
The underdog himself , Paul Potts. This lnlk will take you to Youtube
If you would like to watch the semi final and final, they are on the right . Just click.

It seems it doesn't work so well. This link will take you to You tube anyway
Type in "Paul Potts" Then click "Paul Potts sings Nessun Dorma" I think it is the 2nd video in the list.

Some words that came up today:
chicken pox
a mole
a beauty spot
a moth sore
an Adam's apple
a medium or clairvoyant
The name rings a bell
theme song.
crows feet
walking down the aisle

Good evening

Friday 18 April 2008

Typical? Croquet and tea? Maybe not what people do every day in Britain. But it looks pleasant.


If you found this bag, what would you do?

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Good evening. As usual I have been neglecting this blog. My apologies.

Well today at the International Lounge I could meet the happy faces of Tomoko, Yoshimi and Kie. We talked about the giving of names to children. There were some strange ones, @, 4real, Arsenal. I sometimes wonder if people think what their children will have to go through with a strange name. It was hard enough for me to be called Nicholas when I was at school. Everyone called me "Nicky" though.

Do you know of any other odd names you have heard of?

Share them with us!

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Just a few words to tell you that the class will be in the same place at the same time on Wednesday. International Lounge at 10:30. All are welcome!

Of course!

The news sweeping Kayama is that Kimura Takuya was shooting some drama in

Tomizu yesterday. Of course I did not fly out of the house to get his autograph....but

my daughter went to see him..

That has put Tomizu on the map!!!

see you soon!


Saturday 29 March 2008

A word of warning

It seems like GCom is sending many ex-students a letter inviting them to join.
There is a website for Nova and GCom teachers.
The news is nearly always correct
Look at "March Madness"


Here are some adjectives ending in "Y". Do you know them all?
Frosty, Jumpy, Dingy, Stingy, Creepy, Edgy, Rusty, Crusty, Musty, Busty, Lusty, Touchy,
Yummy, Mousy, Grumpy, Cheeky, Sloppy, Yappy, Fizzy, Dizzy, Fuzzy, Bumpy, Picky, Puffy,
Frosty, Balmy, Bitchy, Rickety, Hearty, Steamy, Weary, Dreary, Clumsy, Sticky, Awry,
Stocky, Icy, Slippery, Shiny, Dainty, Husky, Flimsy, Starry, Misty, Foggy, Shapely, Fatty,
Fruity, Fishy, Runny.
OK That'll do for now.
Out with the dictionary!!!

Thursday 27 March 2008

How do you pose?

One interesting thing for me is how people pose for a photograph.
I hate having my picture taken . It is hard to look natural. Ifeel uncomfortable in any pose.
How do you pose and why do you think most Japanese young people do a "peace sign"?

Good evening. If it is evening where you are.

Well the cherry blossom is coming out once again.

Many will be flocking to see the lovely trees and some to party under them.

I try to avoid such places. You can usually find some cherry trees in a secluded place. Schools are good places of course.

Anyway, have fun whatever your forte is.

Due to it being the spring school holiday there were a few absentee Mums from the class on Wednesday. Mum! LUNCH!!

Tomoko dropped by with her daughter who became very shy.

I have that effect on people maybe. Or it was due to my ugly face.

The class will be at the same place as usual next Wednesday.

Keep well


Saturday 22 March 2008

Good evening.

Are you having a fun weekend?

I'd just like to say thank you for the present.

I am having a cup of coffee now with it with a piece of cheesecake!!!

Scotty is after the cake as I am typing.
Shep is outside, as usual.
As for me, I like a beer after I get home from a long walk, especially a Bass Pale Ale!
Take good care and the next class is at the usual place at the usual time.


Monday 17 March 2008

Quiz. What is this building in my home town?

Sorry one and all for neglecting the Blog.
First of all there will be a class at the International Lounge on Wednesday this week
with tea or coffee and (who knows?)
One of my students of 17 years passed away last week. She was 84.
I attended her wake and funeral at the weekend.
I also have a bad cold (which should be ok by Wednesday so don't be afraid
of sitting near me.
Anyway, I hope you are all fine.
Hope to meet you soon.

Monday 3 March 2008

Wednesday (and a bit of irony)

As usual the class will be held at the International Lounge from 10:30.

I went to Odawara on Saturday to pick up my new glasses!! and...
I walked past my old work place (your old place of study) and....
there was a notice on the door.
"Wanted! 50 Hostesses to work here from April"
Nova will be a hostess bar or cabaret!
Great! (ironic) Odawara needs something like that in front of the station with the pachinko parlours and the Keirin on the hill. (more irony)


There are two Sawrey's. Near Sawrey and Far Sawrey. They are next to each other. Very few people live there. There are 4 or 5 guest houses . One shop and post office combined, but it does have Hilltop Farm. The farm bought by Beatrix Potter. You can see many of te scenes form her books around the village. Rather a boring place to live ,but a delightful place to visit and stay a while.

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Today,there were 4 ladies present at the class. The lesson was not difficult to understand but a bit difficult to do perfectly. We had coffee. Yoshimi brought waffle cookies and Kie brought Collon (strange name Colon in English"Chokucho")
It seems to be the same shape too.
But the taste was good. Thanks!
Kumiko had to leave urgently. I hope her mother is OK. Tomoko also had to leave a bit earlier.
Anyway,the next class is at Akiko's on Friday and then at the "usual place" next Wednesday.
I have a ringing in my ears. Many people say, "It is old age creeping in." No way!!
And in today's class. Kie recommended drinking a spoonful of olive oil and veg. juice to combat cedar pollen allergy and to keep healthy. It might work!
If Midori is there, Hi! I hope your new job is going all right. Keep in touch!
And Eri seemed to be a bit under the weather lately. I hope all is well over there in Kannami!
Take care one and all and see you soon. Nick

Monday 25 February 2008

Jack Sparrow's father.

Johnny Depp based the character of Jack Sparrow on the gentleman on the right.
Who is he and what does he do? The T-shirt being worn by the producer/director might help with the answer.

Friday 22 February 2008

Wednesday 20 February 2008

A mini quiz

In the pictures below:
What are the cliffs made of?
What is growing in the field?
A shop in London famous for it's cloth. What is it's name?
What kind of church is it?
What kind of roof is it?


Monday 18 February 2008

He ,who shall not be named!

This station is in the Lake District. What famous movie used it for a location shot?